Cansodin Capsule – A Cancer supportive Care

Rs. 530.00

  • Useful for diminished growth of cancer patients
  • Help to strength the physical body
  • Help to recover the deep seated wounds


SKU: Cansodin_cap_10x3 Category:


In Cansodin , very specify herbs use in the product to help the healing of the body. Combine effect of the herbs help patient to make relief.

Cansodin Capsule is useful in chronic, stubborn, tumours, suppurative wounds, deep seated wounds, loss of appetite, diminished growth, strength and vital elements along with haematopoiesis, physical and general ill health due to radiation and chemotherapy of various cancer patients.

Indications : A Cancer Supportive Care

Dosage :
1 to 2 capsule 2-3 times a day or as directed by the physician
Note : For Better result consume it for at-least 3-6 Months